Then follow this quick guide made out of 4 steps and one package you need to install!
Fist install the kvm engine typing this into a terminal:
$ apt-get install kvm
Afterwards change into the directory where you want your virtual harddrive image to be created. The next command will create a *.img file with a size of 8GB.
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=vm_disc.img bs=1024k count=8000
Once this is done, you can boot up your virtual "machine" for the first time - of course with the Windows Install CD "inserted" into your device:
$ kvm -m 2048 -cdrom Windows_XP.iso -boot d vm_disc.img
Remember that you might have to exchange the name of your install-cd image.
Reading the manual of kvm (terminal command: man kvm) I found some nice features like graphical output to a vnc stream, using a specific sound-card, forwarding usb devices,... I am always using following command to start my virtual machine:
$ kvm -m 2048 -hda vm_disc.img -vga std -soundhw ac97 -usb -usbdevice tablet -smp 2 -vnc :0
Afterwards I connect to the vnc stream (localhost) using the "Remote Desktop Viewer" application.
Have Fun!